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June 26, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 10:27 am

Cod Crispy Bake



  • cod fillet, skinned,
  • 1/4 onion, finely diced,
  • 1 garlic clove, crushed, 
  • 1/4 tin chopped tomatos, 
  • 5 or 6 pitted black olives,chopped into small pieces
  •  quarter handful each of fresh oregano and basil,chopped
  • 1 slice bread made into breadcrumbs mixed with about 20g grated parmesan.


  1. Soften the onions with some olive oil and the garlic in a pan over a low heat.
  2. Add the tomatos and olives and bring to a very gentle simmer.
  3.  When nearly all the liquid has gone, mix in the herbs.
  4. When the mixture is very thick, almost like a paste, remove from the heat. Add tomato puree to taste if desired.
  5. Sear the cod very quickly (30-45 seconds on each side, depending on thickness.)
  6. Carefully remove from the pan and place on foil on a grill tray.
  7. Spread the tomato mixture over the top of the cod.  Top with the breadcumbs and place under a medium grill.
  8. When the top has gone brown and crispy remove from the grill and serve.

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