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July 9, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 12:37 pm

Well, hopefully, it is. Poor neglected blog. I even forgot its birthday, being somewhere in between marking mocks and keeping a lid on hyperactive lower school sets.

If any of my past readers haven’t given me up for dead and stopped checking this site, I am about to anounce yet another change. I have decided to leave my job at Highgate and move back to West London altough I am still staying in teaching.

Actually, I decided to leave my job in Highgate in February. It has been a long, tedious, drawn out goodbye made even more tedious by the fact I had to keep t under wraps for a long, long time.  

You might put my choice down to either 

  1. A food snobbery that rendered me incapable of living in the badlands of Dalston.
  2. The realisation that teaching is a lot harder than it sounds.

While (2) is true to some extent, it wasn’t enough to put me off my chosen career path. However, given the mistakes I’ve made in the classroom this year, a clean break might be advantageous, especially if I can move to an area in which I know exactly where and when I can get the ingredients for a very good meal. It does, however, mean I have to start my search for a decent kitchen again. Rats! 

I am seriously hoping that my new position will allow me to update this site much more frequently than I had been. My commute will be far shorter and with any luck I won’t have to spend quite so much time creating my own resources next year. Fingers crossed. At any rate, the next eight weeks should include some fairly frequent posting. In the mean time, here is a recipe that I made a few weeks ago and started to blog before passing out at the keyboard.  


  1. Hi! All the best for your move and new school. I guess Dalston was probably not the
    most enterprising culinary district, but Islington should have provided some succour, no?

    Comment by Feanor — July 9, 2008 @ 2:45 pm

  2. Hi Ros

    Good luck with the new school…

    I know what it’s like neglecting your blog - I’ve been more guilty than you of late I think! Working/Commuting 12-13 hours a day doesn’t lead to good blogging practices I’m afraid!

    Comment by Richard — July 10, 2008 @ 9:30 am

  3. It’s a shame that you have to move again. I’d heard there were a few foody gems in Dalston, but I totally see where you’re coming from; that kind of area seems like the badlands to me too! Good luck with the flat hunt.

    Comment by Lizzie — July 10, 2008 @ 11:56 am

  4. Good luck with the new job - and look forward to your renewed blogging & culinary vigour when yuo return to west London!

    See - I hadn’t given you up as a lost cause yet ;-)

    Comment by Jeanne — July 10, 2008 @ 3:26 pm

  5. So glad you are moving back to West London - now we must meet up and eat vegetables…
    Good luck in your new job.

    Comment by Charlotte at Great Big Veg Challenge — July 12, 2008 @ 4:11 pm

  6. As long as Nuno Mendes is cooking in next-door Hoxton, you can never call Dalston the Badlands. Mind you…

    Comment by Trig — July 13, 2008 @ 12:30 pm

  7. A lot of the blogs I read regularly seem to be a bit neglected at the moment, I think it’s partly the time of year. It’s so easy to get sidetracked, the same has happened to me too.

    Good luck with the job hunt, and with the kitchen hunt too!

    Comment by Ginger — July 14, 2008 @ 6:40 pm

  8. Hmmm… what I should have said was ‘ a food snobbery that meant I couldn’t survive with the limited supermarkets in Dalston’. If I hadn’t been on the verge of broke all year, I’d have been able to afford a trip to Bacchus and then I’d be slightly happier with where I lived. Ditto the other recommended restaurants in the area. As it is, if Goon and I were to eat out, I’d have to pay for us both, which is a little beyond me right now.

    Comment by ros — July 22, 2008 @ 1:26 pm

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