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September 22, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 10:53 am

Good grief. What a fortnight!

If any of you are considering moving, submitting a thesis and starting a new job within the space of a week, take my advice. Don’t do it. It’s not good for you, especially if the job turns out to have suprisingly long hours.

Two weeks ago I was under the impression that a 8am-4pm school day meant exactly that. I thought I’d be home by 6pm every day. What a fool I was! Don’t misunderstand me, I  love the job. I’ve always liked talking about maths and, while the level is generally much lower than the stuff I’ve been working on for the last few years, there’s enough of an opportunity for me to stretch my mind with the top A-level set. Many of my students are fantastic. It’s true that I have one slightly tricky 13/14 year old set but the rest of my classes are 16-18 year olds, who are mostly very good students.

Combine that with exceptionally nice colleagues and a continuous stream of free coffee and I couldn’t ask for much more. 

The only down side to the job is the twelve hour working days. I suspect this only happens because I haven’t quite figured out how to organise myself properly yet, but it has made the first two weeks utterly exhausting. Luckily, Goon has been very good. He has tried cooking for both of us a few times, so when I get home at 9pm, I don’t necessariy have to get straight into the kitchen. 

Now, after two weeks of work, things have finally started to settle down. I’m learning to plan my lessons in twenty minutes rather than an hour and the Smartboard games that we spent hours creating for the are now easily adaptable and require minimum attention.

Now, since it has been such a long time since I last wrote a post, I’d better make the next one worth the wait.



  1. Very brave doing all three at the same time! I’d have needed medicating!
    Hope it all settles down soon…

    Comment by Amanda (Little Foodies) — September 22, 2007 @ 3:55 pm

  2. Typical feeble excuses.

    Twelve hour day? I’ll be moving, blogging and starting a job working 16 hours a day in two shifts. UNPAID! And I’ll have to contend with a Marco Pierre White (or worse still a Gordon Ramsay)….

    Oh God, what have I got myself into?

    Welcome back Ros.

    Comment by Trig — September 22, 2007 @ 4:29 pm

  3. Hey Ros … it WILL calm down at school, you’ll get to learn what works, what doesn’t, you’ll plan lessons better - at the very least, by next year it’ll be a breeze! But probably by half term …

    The house move, on the other hand - well, that’s well known to be just about the most stressful thing there is …

    Good luck with it all, and - looking forward to hearing about it in due course


    Comment by Joanna — September 24, 2007 @ 3:10 pm

  4. I have been patiently lurking and awaiting the return of your yummy posts.

    Hmmm…I possibly could have managed all that transition as long as there was ample wine and plenty of foot baths upon returning home.

    Glad to hear that it is all settling down. I can’t wait to hear about your new place. Post some photos if you can!

    Comment by Kate — September 27, 2007 @ 2:12 pm

  5. hey, first time here Roshni, good luck with your thesis..I’ve done my Masters and know what it’s like:) and good luck with your moving and new place too!

    Comment by Mansi — September 28, 2007 @ 8:09 pm

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