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July 2, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 3:56 pm

This post has been waiting to be published for a few weeks now. I was delaying it because I  wanted to get pictures. Then I found out the store I’m going to tell you about wouldn’t let me take photos. Why some people turn down free advertising, I’ll never know! :roll:

On a Monday evening, a disgruntled Goon was in Tesco dealing with the customer services team. He was trying to get them to tell him what had happened to our £70 shipment of wine. They were having a hard time explaining how it managed to get lost between the warehouse and his flat, which was roughly 800m away.

Goon wasn’t expecting the phone call he was about to receive. He answered and from the other end of the line came….


that was my reaction after spending five minutes in the new Whole Foods superstore on High Street Kensington. It really is that amazing. I have never even seen some of the stuff they have on sale here before.

Where do I begin?





RANDOM VEGETABLES I HAVE NEVER HAD! (What the hell is sapodilla anyway?)


My planned quick investigatory glimpse into the shop turned into forty minutes of jaw-dropped amazement. This place is a foodie’s wet dream and it’s so big I actually got lost in it. I was so totally overwhelmed that in the end I only left with two items, some bulgar wheat and a french brie-like blue cheese, which was damned tasty. I went back the next day once my pulse had returned to a normal level. Then I did the same the next day. And the next….

The only thing missing from this shop is a decent selection of game meats, but then, it isn’t the season for many things.

And the staff here are actually competent and friendly! What’s that about? Most assistants on supermarket counters don’t have a clue about what they’re selling but the cheese guy at Whole Foods actually Knew enough to be able to make recommendations!

I walked home very happy, thinking that between the great butcher round the corner, the equally good fishmonger, the Whole Foods market and Waitrose, I was never going to want for anything again.

Then I got home and remembered that there was three things I definitely want for. A gag to shut up Goon’s blonde flatmate*, a key to lock her in her room* and some motivation to finish my thesis. But other than that, I was left with a feeling of fulfillment.

Here is the Whole Foods website. Go visit the shop! It’s great!


*Obviously these no longer apply since we’ve moved out of Goon’s flat, but at the time I REALLY wanted that gag. 


  1. It has received some criticism as well for being pretentious and over-priced, so I’m looking forward to paying a visit after my exams to see for myself. I’ll let you know what I conclude about the place.

    Judging from your comments on my site, I guess you may have missed this:


    You might also like my seasonal food piece in the sidebar. Well, I hope you’ll take it as intended.


    Comment by Trig — July 2, 2007 @ 7:23 pm

  2. ros, I love our Whole Foods and even though much of it isn’t local it is definitely where I shop when I’m looking for a treat.

    Comment by Vanessa — July 2, 2007 @ 7:35 pm

  3. I’ve read about Whole Foods - but I don’t think the day will ever come when we have one near to where I live! Next time I’m in London, I will hopefully get to pay them a visit.
    Thanks for the link to their amazing website.

    Comment by Margaret — July 3, 2007 @ 9:25 am

  4. I love Whole Foods. I miss the one I used to shop at in Orlando… but I keep spamming them hoping they will open a store in the town I live in now. Nothing compares. And they do truly have the awesomest cheese section!!!

    Comment by Lea — July 5, 2007 @ 2:05 pm

  5. Hi Trig, if you’re visiting the market, give me a bell. College is just around the corner so I’ll probably be about.

    Hi Vanessa, yes there are treats a-plenty there. I think it’s going to bankrupt me!

    Hi Margaret, I think it’s almost worth coming to London just to stock up on the cool stuff they have there! ;)

    Hi Lea, you know I’m moving soon, not quite as far as you moved, but I’m gutted that this place won’t be on my way home any more. I think I’ll still make a point of visiting on Saturdays though!

    Comment by ros — July 5, 2007 @ 4:58 pm

  6. Look here for Sapodilla facts. It’s a fruit native to the Yucatan and southern Mexico.


    We have Whole Foods here in Minnesota; it’s a decent market but I think it tends to be overpriced plus it isn’t in my vicinity at all. I am not much of a devotee but have seen some pretty cool stuff there though. I have a natural foods co-op near me that is wonderful.

    Comment by Kate — July 6, 2007 @ 7:36 pm

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