Goon is taking me to Claridges Restaurant for my birthday!
I am very very excited indeed. I have just spent the last 20 minutes drooling over the menu.
This is especially nice since my birthday yesterday was a bit of a disaster on the whole. With being greeted first thing by a rather large turd in the bathroom (someone got a big shouting at for that), the morning spent teaching a 17 year old how to add fractions (soul destroying) and the evening spent picking large shards of glass out of my foot, things didn’t go too well.
I was planning on writing a post today about the wild boar steaks I was going to make last night but a small accident meant I ended up doing no cooking and was stuck with an Indian takeaway. I managed to drop a 500g jar of mayonnaise on my foot.
Hey! Stop laughing all of you!
It wasn’t actually my fault. Really. Someone had half closed the lid on the jar which meant that, when I picked it up, the lid stayed in my had and the rest of the bottle accelerated towards my poor foot. I guess that will teach me not to eat filthy junk food snacks with mayonnaise.
Anyway, the glass shattered and there was an unpleasant mess of blood and mayonnaise on the floor which was not pleasant to clear up.
I haven’t been walking too well today either.
The boar has been having some extra marinating time and I’ll hopefully post about that tomorrow.
But hopefully, with the Claridges visit tomorrow, lunch at the Carlton Club on Thursday and a trip to Memsaab with my parents on Friday night, things should get a lot better. Fingers crossed.
Goon is taking me to Claridges Restaurant for my birthday! I am very very excited indeed. I have just spent the last 20 minutes drooling over the menu.
This is especially nice since my birthday yesterday was a bit of a disaster on the whole. With being greeted first thing by a rather large turd in the bathroom (someone got a big shouting at for that), the morning spent teaching a 17 year old how to add fractions (soul destroying) and the evening spent picking large shards of glass out of my foot, things didn’t go too well.
I was planning on writing a post today about the wild boar steaks I was going to make last night but a small accident meant I ended up doing no cooking and was stuck with an Indian takeaway. I managed to drop a 500g jar of mayonnaise on my foot.
Hey! Stop laughing all of you! It wasn’t actually my fault. Really. Someone had half closed the lid on the jar which meant that, when I picked it up, the lid stayed in my had and the rest of the bottle accelerated towards my poor foot. I guess that will teach me not to eat filthy junk food snacks with mayonnaise.
Anyway, the glass shattered and there was an unpleasant mess of blood and mayonnaise on the floor which was not pleasant to clear up. I haven’t been walking too well today either.
The boar has been having some extra marinating time and I’ll hopefully post about that tomorrow.
But hopefully, with the Claridges visit tomorrow, lunch at the Carlton Club on Thursday and a trip to Memsaab with my parents on Friday night, things should get a lot better. Fingers crossed.
Oh Ros! And on your birthday too! I know exactly the feeling about ’someone’ not leaving the lid on things in the kitchen!!! Hope you can hobble your way around Claridges though! Can’t wait to read what the food is like!
Happy Belated Birthday!
Freya x
Comment by Freya Erickson — February 6, 2007 @ 7:42 pm
I hope you enjoy lunch with “Sarge” at Claridges. Knowing a bit about your tastes I suggest you try the prestige menu. I think you may find the standard menu too boring. Do ask to meet chef after the meal. It’s quite proper and you should expect the request to be accepted.
Comment by Trig — February 6, 2007 @ 10:22 pm
Hi Ros,
thanks for stopping off at my blog. I have thereby discovered yours and been reading avidly! Is your PhD in maths? I did a PhD in French - know all about avoidance tactics - am now a lecturer in French… I would love to go to Claridges; you’re really lucky. Please post about how it went.
I like how you write, and I identify with the hangovers and teaching…
Comment by Kathryn — February 6, 2007 @ 11:05 pm
happy slightly belated birthday ros! sorry to hear that you actual birtdate was pretty crappy, but at least you have several more (very awesome) chances to celebrate properly! you’ll have to tell us all about how wonderful claridges is. i can’t wait to hear all the details!
Comment by amanda — February 7, 2007 @ 12:13 pm
Ros, sounds like you’re doing the age-old trick of ‘drag your birthday celebrations out as long as possible’!! Sounds fantastic (apart from the blood and turd) you#’ll HAVE to give us a full blown review of the restaurant. My boyf. is taking me to Maze, and I’m really excited too!
Happy birthday x
Comment by Schmoofaloof — February 7, 2007 @ 2:35 pm
Kitchen disasters are the worst! I have lopped off two fingertips (not at the same time) and burned myself terribly, and at each occurence it was prior to having guests over. Not to fun to greet guests to a dinner party showing off a heavily bandaged digit!
Happy birthday , BTW!
Comment by Kate — February 7, 2007 @ 4:50 pm
Happy Belated B’day!
Hope the meals turn out to be review-worthy and more!
Comment by Sajini — February 7, 2007 @ 11:15 pm
Oh my God. I’ve just been looking over the Claridge’s menu and literally drooling!
I think I would have:
- Scallops with Jerusalem artichoke risotto
- Monkfish in Parma ham
- Assiette of pineapple
Mmmmmmmmm! Hope you had a good time. And happy birthday, sweetheart xxx
Comment by Dale — February 8, 2007 @ 1:23 pm
Ooooh I’m so jealous . Not about your foot though, you poor thing.
Happy birthday for yesterday! x
Comment by Julia — February 8, 2007 @ 2:11 pm
Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. You’re all lovely!
Freya: Fortunately hobbling only lasted a day or so, so I was in perfect condition to get properly lost in Claridges hotel before my meal!
Trig: I was seriously tempted to go for the menu prestige but I thought it would be cheeky since Goon was already spending loads already and I didn’t actually think the main menu was too boring last night. I liked the look of all the starters and two of the mains really took my fancy. Apparently ‘Sarge’ had left before we got there so someone else was in charge… I was too chicken to ask to meet the chef anyway. Yes, I know, I’m pathetic!
Kathryn: I’d been meaning to look around your site properly for ages but never quite got round to it until a few days ago. Yes, my PhD is in maths. Supervisor avoidance tactics this week have reached a whole new level of sophistication.
Amanda: I think last night more than made up for my actual birthday being a bit crappy. I havea feeling that this review will take a long time to write!
Schmoof: Too right I am! Why have one birthday celebration when you can drag it out over an entire week? Maze looks amazing… if the food and service are anything like Claridges, you’ll have a great time.
Kate: That sounds very painful! I burn myself in the kitchen on an almost weekly basis but I haven’t yet severed any fingers. It is probably only a matter of time though.
Sajini: The meals so far certainly have been review worthy and I suspect tomorrow night’s meal will not disappoint either.
Dale: So you have finally stopped lurking then!
The menu is amazing, isn’t it? Unfortunately the scallops weren’t listed yesterday - that was also my starter choice when I first looked online. It wasn’t much of a problem though… I was still totally spoilt for choice.
Julia: The foot wasn’t so bad… I think the blood upset the flatmates more than it did me!
Right - Claridges review, and one for the Carlton, coming uo very soon. I think I need to calm down a bit frst though.
Comment by ros — February 8, 2007 @ 5:35 pm
Hey Ros,
That menu looks GORGEOUS I really hope you enjoyed your birthday!
Much love from Canada!
Comment by Lauren — February 8, 2007 @ 6:31 pm
Yay! Lauren has come to the site! Have you been lurking a while like Dale has? The food at Claridges was as gorgeous as it sounds on the menu. Wish I could go back now!
Comment by ros — February 9, 2007 @ 2:50 pm