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January 20, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 6:26 pm

Up until now, Goon has always insisted his steaks are cooked for longer than mine. I think that’s probably fair considering I tend to take the ’show it the pan’ approach to cooking certain meats. But with tuna, this is no longer the case. Goon now likes his tuna seared and it’s all to do with this fab Ramsey recipe.

tuna and chicory

It’s a classic really, seared tuna in a mustard, honey and soy coating with crushed black peppercorns pressed into the fish, served with braised and caramelised chicory. If you happen to have the book ‘Secrets,’ do try this recipe.  It is really delicious and doesn’t look too bad either!


  1. Mmmm that tuna looks so good. I only wish the supermarket nearest to me would have some damn tuna sometimes! I curse living in a foodie-desert.

    Comment by Schmoofaloof — January 23, 2007 @ 6:29 pm

  2. Foodie desert? I thought you were London based, Schmoof? If you get the chance to go, Borough had some amazing looking slabs of tuna last Friday-sushi grade apparently! I was there for a long time drooling.

    Comment by ros — January 23, 2007 @ 6:52 pm

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