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December 11, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 7:11 pm

Now those of you who read my site know that I like my duck. But I’m a little confused as to what the point of this thing is.

duck crown

This is a crown of duck. That’s basically a duck carcass with no legs. Why would you want a duck with no legs? It cost about the same as a duck with two legs and it only takes about 15 minutes less to cook. And even if a whole duck is too much for two people, who’d say no to duck sandwiches the next day! :D

So, needless to say, I’m going to buy whole duck in future as this thing thing just didn’t have enough meat on it. The meat that was there was great- there just didn’t seem to be enough. I served it with random fruit sauce number 4 (cherry and brandy), broccoli and the obligatory sunday night roast potatoes.  

Duck with cherry brandy

My next question is, if supermarkets sell pre-packaged duck breasts and duck legs, what the flipping hell happens to the wings. ??? Answers in the comments box please.



  1. ros, your guess is as good as mine! i don’t have a clue what they’re doing with the damn duck wings! that’s just craziness! i’m like you: a duck fanatic. but here in the u.s. ducks (and duck breast) are expensive (or maybe it’s just that i’m really poor) so we don’t get to eat as much duck as i would like! if i still lived on the east coast, i could eat the ones my dad hunts, but sadly, they don’t ship well!

    Comment by amanda — December 17, 2006 @ 8:17 am

  2. Duck Soup.

    Comment by Steven — December 19, 2006 @ 3:38 pm

  3. ive just bought one and put it in my frezzer i am thinking of attmpting peking duck i got got my duck in tescos i shall let u know if it works .

    Comment by maz — January 17, 2009 @ 3:47 pm

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