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October 5, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 5:18 pm

Or should I say, he just bumped into me?

For the last couple of weeks, the Waterstones in Kensington has been advertising a book signing for Gordon’s new autobiography, ‘Humble Pie’. I don’t particularly want a signed copy of this book. What I DID fancy was a signed copy of his recipe book, ‘Passion for Flavour,’

So I wandered over to the High Street Ken. store to see what was happening. There was already quite a queue but if I joined right then I thought there wouldn’t be much of a problem. I talked to the staff and they said that, since Mr Ramsay was there to promote his autobiography, I could only get another book signed if I also bought that.

It would cost e an extra £12.99. F*ck that. I mean, I think Gordon’s cool but not THAT cool.

Since I was there, I popped upstairs to the cookbook section to have a browse. On my way down, I saw a sudden flurry of activity at the door and about ten people were moving rapidly in my direction. The line barged past me at quite a rate. As I looked around to see why they were in such a hurry I caught a glimpse of the man in the centre of the line.

Yes, it was indeed Gordon, being ushered up the stairs by the shop staff and some other people, who I assume were his publishing team.

So there you go. That’s my excitement for the day. I nearly got knocked over by Gordon Ramsay.

I love the celebrity hole that is London! :D


  1. hahahahaaaa good times =)

    only celebrities we seem to get in central Florida are basketball & American football stars.. and I’m not too interested in them… =(

    Comment by Lea — October 5, 2006 @ 5:54 pm

  2. Oh wow! How cool.

    Comment by Julia — October 5, 2006 @ 6:24 pm

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