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October 3, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 3:25 pm

Kidneys, rice, salad, wine 

Kidneys are great for making cheap and tasty meals. Some people are freaked out by them but I think they’re missing out in a big way. At about 40p per portion (200g), I can’t think of any food that is better value for money and is easy to find.

I think kidneys go best with an accompaniment that has a bit of a ‘kick’. So last night, looking through my cupboards I came up with a sauce made of cream, English mustard, worcestershire sauce and brandy with a bit of pepper.

kidneys with brandy sauce

I think I’d suggest that, if you want to try something similar, you use a nicer brandy than I did. I had very cheap stuff which seemed to lose it’s flavour quite easily during cooking, so I ended up needing to use a lot.

The end result was lovely. The msutard and brandy went really well with the kidneys and the cream mellowed the sauce by just the right amount. I served it with some Italian easy cook rice I’d picked up since the shops were out of long grain. I’m not sure if I’d had it before. It had a nice texture and was pretty good with the kidney dish.

And the best thing about kidneys is scaring the girly-girls who have issues with eating things that are obviously from animals. You know the type who’ll eat meat but only when its ground up and covered in breadcumbs?  It appears that Chrissy falls into this category. There was a lot of horrified noise when she walked into the kitchen and saw me cutting them up.

I thought it was hilarious. :twisted:

Here is the  kidneys with a creamy brandy and mustard sauce recipe.


  1. hahahha I just love freaking people out with food. Its almost a daily occurance at work, where all the ladies there live off of nothing but burgers and fried chicken… when I am heating my leftovers it is inevitable that there will be a couple of them huddling around me.. “OMG, what are you eating today? EWWWWWW!!” ;-) I saw “ew” to their big macs… so it all evens out in the end. ;-)

    Comment by Lea — October 4, 2006 @ 11:41 pm

  2. Blimey! I bet they’d be freaked out if they actually knew what went into their Big Macs. Do they eat sausages? There’s lots of offal in sausages. Maybe you should tell them. ;)

    Comment by ros — October 5, 2006 @ 5:50 pm

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