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September 21, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 1:37 am

I thought I’d better share this recipe. If any of you also get hungry looking at the squirrels in London parks, this is for you.

This recipe comes from a very, very old book, “Poultry and Game”  published by the National Federation of Women’s Institutes. This was very kindly lent to me by Jean Skillen. I really should return it soon. I think that the book has been out of print for so long, reproduction of the recipe shouldn’t bother anyone.

Squirrel Stew


Skin, draw and thoroughly wash the squirrel. Cut in pieces. Put in a basin with 1/2 cup vinegar, 1 teasponful mixed spice, 1 small diced onion and a few celery leaves. Cover with water and leave to stand for 2-3 hours. Drain. Brown in moderate oven (375 F). Add salt and pepper to taste, 2 sliced onions and  diced carrots, water to cover. Cover and cook slowly until tender. Thicken the broth with flour and butter mixed and simmer until it is the consistency of thick cream.

Serve with watercress or chicory salad.

Sounds interesting. I don’t think I’d suggest eating London squirrels though. I’ve seen what they eat! I wonder what they taste like…


  1. You know…. coming from Florida where squirrels arent much more than glorified mice, I was FLOORED when I saw how huge the squirrels were in London!! Housecats some of those things! I could see how they’d make for some good eats! ;-D hahahaha

    Comment by Lea — September 22, 2006 @ 4:12 pm

  2. In fact a (London) squirrel did take on my cat and win a few years ago. They are fat bastards aren’t they?

    Comment by ros — September 22, 2006 @ 5:11 pm

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