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September 20, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 4:27 pm

I don’t often write about things not directly related to food but last night a rather funny thing happened on the way home. I was walking towards Earls Court when I came face to face with…

Canadian Goose

standing on the pavement in front of me. That’s right, a two foot tall Canadian goose. Now  those of you living in more rural areas might not be very suprised at this. However, to a Central Londoner, this really is f*cking bizarre. You NEVER see wild animals outside of Hyde Park (with the exception of pigeons and rats, of course)!

This goose might have broken its wing, because it was quite determined not to fly. It seemed to be much more interested in getting on to the (very large and busy) road. People were shooing it back onto the pavement,  but the goose was adamant that it wanted to play at being a car and eventually started to walk westwards down the middle of the traffic lane. People were shouting, cars were hooting. I tried phoning the RSPCA, who were definitely not interested.

Then the goose decided to have a short sit down in the middle of the Earls Court Junction, where people actually started running out onto the road to ward off the very fast moving vehicles.

Last thing I saw, the goose was waddling towards Hammersmith along a dual carriageway.

It’s a shame really. If only I could have lured it to a butcher. :wink:

I did take a picture of the goose in the middle of the Earl’s Court Junction but I’m not convinced it has come out well. When I’ve charged my phone up I’ll have a look!

As for dinner last night, I tried out this  version of a Sicilian recipe for Pasta with sardines. It was a bit average to be honest. There was nothing wrong with it, but I won’t be making it again in a hurry. It was just kind of  so-so. No doubt any Sicilian cook reading this will be fuming.

 Sicilian style pasta with tomato

And it also looked like generic tomato pasta. There wasn’t much going for this one really.


  1. Hi Ros, how funny…
    I’ve been reading your blog and think it’s great, I’m so glad you got all your server problems sorted out! I went to St James Park on Friday and saw lots of ducks and geese and a couple of squirrels and while they are all cute, I found myself getting hungry. I seem to see all animals in an eating capacity ( even the squirrels )I’m so glad I’m not the only one!! :-)

    Comment by MissOyster — September 20, 2006 @ 4:47 pm

  2. hi ros
    cant get hold of james sorry to post on here but can u send me your email to trogdorwasaman@hotmail.co.uk and i will send you details of a few things


    Comment by kirsten — September 20, 2006 @ 5:25 pm

  3. The goose was unleashed by Voltan to spread disease throughout London. However it seems to have been a poor vector. Perhaps if someone had captured and eaten the beast transmission would have been effected. Alas Londoners are lacking in the killer instinct Voltan had supposed them to possess.

    Comment by Voltan — September 20, 2006 @ 6:06 pm

  4. That’s a fantastic picture.

    Comment by Julia — September 20, 2006 @ 6:36 pm

  5. If you’re talking about the goose picture, I agree it’s pretty good. That’s mostly because it isn’t mine. I found it on Google images. :D . I’m not even sure if you can even see the goose in my photo yet!

    Voltan, I suspected it was either you or Pengor behind the goose fiasco. Next time, source your animals from somewhere more reliable. This was the most placid goose I’d ever met - nothing like the ones that used to hang around on my old uni campus. They used to gang up and mug the students.

    Comment by ros — September 21, 2006 @ 1:06 am

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