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September 18, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 1:55 pm

Yes, I know it’s not like me to be doing quick recipes but I had a couple of really late nights this weekend. The first was after going to the cinema with my Dad to see the “Night Listener”. If any of you were thinking of doing the same, really I wouldn’t bother. 

It was around 11:45pm when I realised I was starving. It was too late even for a decent take-out so I had to resort to pasta. There was half a butternut squash in the fridge, a remnant from a recent attempt at lamb tagine, which had to be used soon, so I decided to make my bacon, feta and squash pasta.

This recipe is adapted from a Waitrose recipe. The Waitrose version wasn’t bad, but just tossing the melted feta with pasta made the dish a bit dry for my liking. So the second time I made it, I blended the feta and a bit of the squash with some chopped rosemary and milk to make a sauce.   This time I added a clove of roasted garlic too. The recipe has been up since I started the blog, but I’ve added more detail to it today along with a slightly dodgy picture.

Pasta with bacon, feta, rosemary and squash

Lightly coloured things are so hard to photograph! Here is the link to the pasta and bacon with a rosemary, squash and feta sauce recipe.

My second quick meal of the weekend was made with some sardines. I hadn’t had sardines in years and I’m pretty sure I’d not come across fresh ones until then. Since I didn’t know what they tasted like, I got on the phone to James for some help with ideas. According to him, Mediterranean flavours would work best.

So I took my sardines and stuffed them with a mixture of black olives, sundried tomatoes, capers, peppadew peppers, crushed garlic, chopped parsley and tomato paste. I drizzled them with sundried tomato flavoured olive oil, sprinkled them with salt and grilled them until they were cooked.

Meanwhile I also made some couscous and tossed it with mint, coriander, more capers and pine nuts. I served the fish and couscous together drizzled with some extra virgin olive oil and a side salad.

It seems James was right, sardines and mediterranean flavours do go well together. The dish would have benefitted from a squeeze of lemon, but I’d run out .

Sardines and couscous

I quite like the flavour of the fish. The bones are a bit of a nuisance but I’d still buy them again. Now I’ve got to think of what to do with my other 3 sardines that are currently sitting in the fridge!

Sardine recipe will be here shortly.

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