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September 8, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 6:57 pm

 King prawn dhansak

 Dhansak has got to be my favourite take-out curry. I love it so much that it was the first real curry I learned to make myself. By real, I mean not a  generic, tomatoey, throw in curry powder type thing. A fair bit of thought went into the flavours here.

A dhansak is a Persian curry that is  sweet and sour  and has both meat(or fish ) and lentils in it. My trick to get a good dhansak flavour, is to add a good sized dollop of mango chutney at the end. And use loads of lentils, of course.Since my dad had recently brought me round a nice piece of lotus root, I decided to use it to  make an accompaniment to my curry. Those of you who haven't tried lotus root, you really should. It has a fab crunchy texture. I stir fried mine with garlic, ginger, coconut and coriander.

Lotus Roots

I recommend cooking the lentils separately from the curry, while you're doing the preparation. They take ather a long time to cook and if you try to cook them in the curry sauce they seem to take even longer. Here is the King Prawn Dhansak recipe.

dhansak, rice and roots



1 Comment »

  1. good work (keepitup)

    Comment by saleem — May 24, 2007 @ 7:25 pm

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