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September 7, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 8:56 am

Chicken Livers, onions mavrodaphne 


I rather enjoyed my chicken livers last time I had them and, since they were so cheap, I was on a mission to do a proper budget meal with them. One recipe that caught my eye on the internet was for livers with caramelised onions and Madeira. That sounded good to me but the Madeira would seriously increase the cost of the meal.

So I had a look through the fortified wines in Tesco to see if I could find a suitable replacement and eventually settled on the greek wine, mavrodaphne. It's a sweet fortified wine that is very cheap and a student would quite happily drink it with dinner. I guess a dry sherry would work too.


All this dish needs is the livers and wine, some sugar, a few onions and some rice to serve the livers with. I added a little bit of butter and garlic to the rice and still kept the price at under £1 per portion. The caramel flavours went very well with the chicken livers although it the dish needs careful attention because it would be easy to make it too sweet.


I had a side salad too, which added about 30p onto the meal but it was still easily within student budget range at about £1.25 per portion. 


Here’s the chicken livers with caramelised onions and mavrodaphne recipe.

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