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September 5, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 9:11 am

I'll never understand why I bother trying things this hard. Even when they work, they just stress me out!

Tempura Squid

I've been determined to make good tempura quid since I had some in the Vienna Patisserie in Farnham. I'd made an attempt before, which was a total disaster. The batter went soggy and wouldn't cling to the squid.

This time it was much better. The squid and batter worked. I just had two sauce disasters instead. The first time there was a cornflour explosion, so sauce 1 got binned. The second time, I was trying to add a drop of red colouring to the sauce. But the dripping thing fell off the bottle so a LOT of colouring went in. The third time it worked, but by then I was in a horrendous mood.

It's a shame because I would have really enjoyed the squid otherwise. It did taste very good. I served it with noodles stir fried with peppers, carrots and spring onion and tossed with sesame oil. Very tasty indeed, and the sweet chilli sauce (v3) tasted like those dipping sauces you get in restaurants.


Here is the recipe for Tempura Battered Squid and Sweet Chilli Sauce 


tempura squid meal




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