I bought some cheap kidneys from Tesco (40p for 250g!
) planning on making a Rinones al Jerez (or Kidneys with sherry ). It was all going to plan until I got home and realised that my paprika had all gone. My flatmate had borrowed it the previous night. This irked me slightly as she will quite happily admit she doesn't actually know what paprika is, let alone what to do with it.
Apparently her friend had asked for some so she went through my rather extensive spice cupboard until she found it. It was taken off to her mate's house where she'd finished it off making paella. So the Kidneys weren't as great as I wanted and I got a bit stressed so I forgot to take pictures. This might have been for the best as the colour wasn't quite right without the paprika.Flatmates are now under strict instructions to leave a note if they finish my stuff in future. Grrrr! Apparently she nearly refilled the bottle too, from the large pot of red powder in my cupboard. Bloody good thing she didn't because it was, in fact, my extra hot chilli powder! And finally here is the recipe for Rinones al Jerez (Spanish Lamb Kidneys with Sherry).
I bought some cheap kidneys from Tesco (40p for 250g! ) planning on making a Rinones al Jerez (or Kidneys with sherry ). It was all going to plan until I got home and realised that my paprika had all gone. My flatmate had borrowed it the previous night. This irked me slightly as she will quite happily admit she doesn't actually know what paprika is, let alone what to do with it.
Apparently her friend had asked for some so she went through my rather extensive spice cupboard until she found it. It was taken off to her mate's house where she'd finished it off making paella. So the Kidneys weren't as great as I wanted and I got a bit stressed so I forgot to take pictures. This might have been for the best as the colour wasn't quite right without the paprika.Flatmates are now under strict instructions to leave a note if they finish my stuff in future. Grrrr! Apparently she nearly refilled the bottle too, from the large pot of red powder in my cupboard. Bloody good thing she didn't because it was, in fact, my extra hot chilli powder! And finally here is the recipe for Rinones al Jerez (Spanish Lamb Kidneys with Sherry).