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September 2, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 7:28 am
Crispy Crocodile with Mango Sauce

Since I had recently got a better idea of how crocodile tasted, I thought it was time to experiment. crocodilehas a subtle (even bland to some people)  flavour, I thought I'd better do something really interesting for the sauce, so I stole an idea from the menu of a Thai Restaurant. 

Despite my better judgement, I decided that I wanted to try making deep fried crispy crocodile ‘goujons.' I live on the fourth floor of some student halls. If I set a pan on fire, I couldn't rush out into the back garden. I couldn't even throw it out the window because the windows don't open!  No, it's ok, I'm joking, I wouldn't ever throw a burning pan out the window. Not unless someone I really hated was standing below, anyway.

Nevertheless, I gave the deep frying a try. This time my batter worked! I used the recipe from a lady on the BBC food boards of 2 medium egg whites + 1 tablespoon cornflour. I should have chilled it for longer to get it properly crispy but I was a bit short on time. It still looked and tasted good, especially since I threw in a bit of five spice.

I made the sauce from a mango (obviously), honey, cinnamon, dark soy and a little ginger. It was delicious, although it got a bit cold when I was taking the picture. To keep in with a Thai theme, I cooked some noodles in coconut milk infused with lemon grass and lime, then tossed in some freshly chopped coriander. I'd have liked some suitable oriental vegetable but the shops were being crap I couldn't find one. So I had sugar snap peas instead. 

Here is the Crispy Crocodile with Mango Sauce Recipe.

Crocodile, noodles, sugar snap peas

I like crocodile. I wish I could afford to buy it more often!

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