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August 17, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 8:10 am

I am a bit of a cabbage fan. I realise that I'm in the minority here but I really like it cooked  al dente and mixed with chopped bacon and a touch of single cream. Every couple of months I'll feel like making this and I'll pop to the shops and get myself a nice savoy. The problem is, this dish is nice on occasion, say once every couple of months. But a cabbage isn't just for one meal, a cabbage is for life. Or at least it feels like it is.

I once managed to eat a special offer white cabbage six days consecutively and it still wasn't finished. Forget fish. If Jesus wanted to feed the five thousand, he should have got a few cabbages.

The blackleaf kale, a strange variant of cabbage I bought from Borough, is the same. When I got it I thought, “that will make four portions and if I cook for someone else it will be gone in no time”!  Now I've eaten it in five meals, two shared,  and I'm about half way through it! I could swear that it grows extra leaves when I'm not looking. I'd hate to waste it but I'm  getting so sick of the sight of it, I'm considering binning it! Two weeks ago, when I tried it, I really,really liked it but now I can't  take any more!

So my latest attempt at getting rid of the kale was this.

guinea fowl, roasies, kale

That's roasted honey and lemon guinea fowl with garlic roast potatoes and roast elephant garlic. The guinea fowl was lovely (as guinea fowl usually is) and the honey and lemon flavours were great. I really liked the big roast garlic cloves too.

The flavour of the kale was really too strong for the rest of the meal but the blasted vegetable is taking up most of my fridge.

Grrr! Cabbage!

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