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August 10, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 8:04 am

Just a mussel 

At this time of year, things get pretty dull here in mathsland. I have no students because no one wants to learn stuff over the summer.  My musical theatre friends are in a small town in Devon performing to geriatrics, James spends all his time working or sleeping , Andy is somewhere up a mountain and everyone else has returned to wherever they lived before university. To top it all, the one person I see on a day to day basis is a socially retarded dimwit who hasn't said anything to anyone for literally weeks.

Yeah, yeah I know. What did expect when I started a maths PhD? Wild parties with the number theorists?  

When life is like this, you really want something fun to do in the evenings, even if you are spending them alone. This is why I got so enthralled by cooking. It's a great creative outlet and, at the end of it all, you get to appreciate the fruits of your labour.  It's a lot easier than that singing and dancing stuff I do during term time too!

For this reason my cooking has the tendency to become quite quirky and elaborate. I'll embark on a three hour cooking marathon over a couple of gins and/or glasses of cava and end up with something ridiculous like this crazy concoction. But yesterday I had a bit of a change. I did something simple.

Unsuprisingly it wasn't my idea at all. The credit goes to a few people on the BBC food boards, most notably Riocaz and Alison. I had the mussels from the other night, grilled with a bit of garlic butter and served with linguine tossed in chilli oil and crushed smoked garlic with a squeeze of lemon. The only additions were a few sliced sundried tomatoes and parsley. It turned out absolutely gorgeous. Here are full details of what I did.

Oh, and a ready made Moroccan side salad from Tesco which I got for 15p. I just can't stay away from that bargain bin.

Mussels and Linguine

It really was suprisingly good and it took about 20 minutes to make. I think I'm developing a bit of an addiction to linguine. Ah well, at least its a step up from my addiction to KFC!   

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