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August 2, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 9:24 am

Chicken and Chorizo Paella

Sometime during the next two weeks, Andy is probably going to fall off a mountain. He’s going on a holiday in the Austrian Alps which apparently involves climbing vertical ice walls and crossing 2000 foot deep gorges supported only be a 20 inch wide plank of wood nailed into the cliff wall. Even better, he’ll be accompanied by his acrophobic mother and will have merely 12 hours each day to journey from one shelter to the next before fierce storms set in.

Daft bugger. Rather him than me.

Even worse for him, the hostels where he and his family will be staying serve up some really poor quality slop for dinner.  It doesn’t seem fair to let a man go to his death without some proper food inside him so I offered to cook him his last decent meal.

I gave him almost free choice with one condition: it had to be blog-able. Typically, Andy couldn’t choose. After an investigation into what I already had in the fridge he decided he wanted to try some proper chorizo. He also hadn’t had chicken in a while. At least that made things easy. Chicken and chorizo paella it was, after all, my paella is pretty damn good. ;)

All of you Londoners, I would like to recommend that on Saturday you go straight to Borough Market and get some of Brindisa’s picante chorizo. This stuff is absolutely lovely. I gave it a quick fry in olive oil and red wine before adding it to the paella and it was delicious. I’ve already got a paella recipe up here, which i’ll tweak soon to reflect how I made it this time. 

Now I would like to conduct a little survey. I know people are reading this- I can see you hitting the site!

So what would your last meal be if you could have free choice?

Would you umm and err like Andy and then say ‘Uhhh….what have you got?’ or do you have a favourite meal you’d be craving in your last hours? 

I’m really interested in this, especially after some tv programme asked the same question and the top answer was ‘fish’. It’s insane. Fish? Any fish? Obviously-it must have be any fish because cod and tuna taste exactly the same. :roll:  Answers via the comments box please! 

Incidentally, Andy must really think he’s going to die, because he brought round a £25 bottle of Rioja to have with our meal. We didn’t even finish it! Half of it is sitting in my room. :) There’ll be more for me later.

1 Comment »

  1. With previous experience of Ros’ cooking, you know it’s going to be good.

    This is no exception. I have a feeling that the wine felt rather outdone by the meal :-P

    Anyway, it’s always more fun to be supprised by food, though I suppose I could have asked for steak, or maybe even noodles!

    - Andy

    Comment by Andy — August 2, 2006 @ 11:45 am

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