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July 31, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 11:10 am

I like my steak blue.

Rare Ostrich with couscous, honey and apples

Actually, the ostrich isn’t as blue as it looks. It had been sat on a smoking hot griddle for 3 minutes per side and then wrapped to cook in the residual heat for another 5 minutes. Ostrich meat is really dark. so when it is cooked to rare it looks pretty much like raw fillet steak. See the pretty stripes on top? That was a HOT griddle pan!

When ostrich is raw, it is really dark brown. After i’d soaked it wine for a bit, it was a really dark purple. When you cook it, it goes red-at least when you cook it rare. If you cook it well done, it goes pink like you can see around its edges.

This was a lovely soft ostrich tenderloin from Gamston Wood Ostriches at Borough Market.  Inspired by someone on the BBC food forums, I made a honey and apple sauce for it and served it with minty couscous. The combination of flavours was good but, as you can see, it was a hard one to present well. The recipe is here now.

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