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July 30, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 2:23 pm

A bit of a food porn moment coming up here…

Pork Ribs with Cola Barbeque Sauce

Who’d have thought a cola based sauce would make a pork rib look so good?

I’d been vaguely aware of people cooking with coca-cola but never really considered trying it myself. It sounded too weird, even for me. Then yesterday, having decided to have some spare rib chops for dinner, I was surfing the net looking for ideas, quite unsuccessfully. For some reason, if you google for spare rib recipes, you’ll get a hundred million results talking about either barbeque sauce or something chinese and usually hoisin based. I’d already been there and done that. I wanted something more exciting.

Then I found this website. It wasn’t exactly what I was after but it got me thinking. A bit more research yielded a vast source of cola recipes, some from the Coca-Cola website itself and many more from random cookery sites. In the end I did go for a barbeque style recipe but the addition of coke made it exciting enough to be worth trying.

So what did it taste like? Very good, actually. It had more body than lots of barbeque sauces which seem to just be vinegary. I’ll certainly do it again and I won’t be scared of usuing coke in food anymore. 

Even better, this definitely qualifies as a student recipe. The Pork costs about £1.00-£1.10 per rib. The sauce ingredients are mostly things that you’ll have around if you’re into cooking and don’t cost much. I used Coca-Cola but I see no reason as to why other brands couldn’t be used. The other ingredients were an onion, honey, worcestershire sauce, tomato paste, vinegar (white wine or cider is best), cayenne (substitute chilli if necessary)  and paprika (optional).  If it was served over rice instead of mash and some frozen peas, the entire meal would be about £1.55 per portion. Here’s the the recipe!

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