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July 26, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 7:27 am

Linguine with stuffed squid

Yet another one to freak out the girlies. :twisted: It might not look scary in the photo but it was probably quite disconcerting to walk into the kitchen and find me cutting off heads and seperating tentacles. There was a definite look of disgust on one young lady’s face.

Well, it’s their loss, because this turned out to be very tasty. The squid hoods are stuffed with a mixture of olives, herbs and garlic. I griddled them for a short time and then served them on linguine in a tomato, chilli and basil sauce, tossed with lots of parmesan. I threw the squid tentacles into the pasta too.

I bought some chilli infused oil to throw over the pasta. It’s not something I’ve used before but I’m rather glad I discovered it. Am I the only person who thought chilli oil was hot? It’s not at all! It has a really good chilli flavour without the heat. A combination of that and a little chilli powder was perfect for the pasta. 

The meal was really, really filling. I ate about half the amount in the photo and the rest is sitting in my fridge. Maybe I should offer it around the flat later. ;) This is how you make it- I have halved quantities accordingly.

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