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July 24, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 7:05 am

Last night I fancied a roast dinner, after all it was a Sunday. Since it had been a very hot day (30C outside and 35C in halls) a summery twist was needed for this meal and I went for a tried and tested glaze of cranberry, lime and soy sauce.

Cranberry Roast


Isn’t the glaze a great colour? It was so good i ate all that myself. Now before you start calling me a fatty, have another look at it.



Mini Roast

This is why I love poussin. Not only is it a lovely moist meat, it is the perfect size for one person to eat and it looks very cute. I couldn’t help scaling down the roast spuds and courgettes to match. It also served as a good way for freaking out my housemates when I told them I was eating a baby chicken. :twisted:

The recipe for the glaze is really good. I wish it was my own but it actually came from the British Poussin website. I made a couple of small alterations. I pushed some of the glaze beneath the skin of the bird which seems to make the flavour permeate the flesh a bit more. Also I stuffed the cavity with a couple of lime wedges. This makes the poussin have a limey flavour and also helps to keep it moist. The glaze itself needs no improvement. It is wonderfully sweet and zesty. However i think you might need to increase increase the quantities - I find that the recipe here doesn’t quite make enough glaze.

By the way I have tips for doing roast potatoes here.

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