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July 20, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 9:46 am

You know I moved a few weeks ago? I am now in a flat with some very nice but slightly squeamish girls. I heard them discussing how meat was a bit icky in general. Rare steak is apparently quite grim -  especially the blood. :roll: I think I might have some fun here. :twisted:

So the next few weeks might include some cute and fluffy ingredients or, even better, slimy things from the sea and “interesting” bits of offal. I’ve already had half a rabbit complete with liver and kidneys in our fridge. That went last night and now the lamb hearts are on display. Mwahahaha! 

I don’t think I can top James’s and Kirsten’s dad on this one though. Imagine coming home and finding half a pig’s head bubbling away on the hob!  

Now this is a good idea…

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