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July 19, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 8:49 am

I think I’ve found the signature dish for my imaginary restaurant.

Lavender Lamb with Butterbeans


Yes, I ate all that meat. It was that good. This is a rare leg of lamb roasted with lavender, rosemary and garlic and served with butterbeans crushed with cream and thyme and asparagus.  It tasted absolutely fantastic and made the whole kitchen smell of lavender.

I got the idea from the BBC food website’s page about cooking with flowers. After investigating the herb stalls in Borough Market, I came across some culinary lavender and then made up my mind to find a nice juicy lamb leg. Yesterday, I was lucky enough to get my hand on the last half leg in Tesco and rushed home to get it in the oven.

The recipe for this is suprisingly simple given how good it tasted. I made little slits all over the lamb leg and stuffed them with garlic and rosemary. Then I ground 1 tablespoon of lavender into a powder, rubbed it all over the leg and roasted the lamb until it was rare.

The flavours were incredibly good. I love rare lamb, and the combination of this with the subtle lavender and bursts of rosemary and garlic was fantastic.

The butterbeans were inspired by a dish I had in Solo in Leamington Spa. They did an excellent lamb neck fillet with creamy white beans. for my version I simmered the butterbeans in cream with fresh thyme and a little crushed garlic. I used a potato masher to crush them then added more cream until they were the consistency I wanted. Butterbeans don’t taste of much but have a great texture. Their lack of flavour is not a problem because they will take on the taste of any herb you cook with them

Recipes is here now. This is definitely one to try!

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