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July 18, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 9:31 am

After all the cheap eating I’d been doing for the experiment, I felt like cooking something really extravagant. So I made “Penne with Wild Boar and Porcini Mushrooms and a Truffled Cream Sauce.”

Truffled Wild Boar Pasta

I got this idea from a meal I had a few years ago in Casa Vallee in Leamington Spa. It is still one of my favourite Italian restaurants, although I can’t really visit it anymore now. The dish is quite simple to make. I fried the boar with rosemary, thyme garlic and the mushrooms. The sauce is similar to a carbonara but has chopped thyme and rosemary added to it along with the pan juices from frying the boar, about a tablespoon of white truffle oil and the excess liquid squeezed from the soaked porcini. Before serving, I drizzled the pasta with more truffle oil and then served the pasta with a side of purple sprouting broccoli. 

I made a bit too much pasta and so the sauce was a bit sparse. Apart from that I was pleased with the outcome. The balance of flavours was good. Recipe is here.

On another note, I got to borrow a very interesting cookery book last week.

Women's Institute Poultry and Game Cookery Book

It’s an out of print Women’s Institute recipe book that belongs to Jean Skillen. It’s got some good game recipes in it but is even more interesting for the strange assortment of game animals in there.

There are some game birds which I hadn’t even heards of, lots of recipes for hare and one for rook. This one has got to be my favourite!

Squirrel Stew

So if you see me running around Hyde Park with a net, you know why! :wink:

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