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July 13, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 7:31 am

I’ve collected all my receipts together (the ones I could find anyway) and come up with a pretty good estimate on this week’s spending.

It went something like this

£1.07 for cereal (A very large pack of Tesco sugar-free muesli). There is a fair bit left.
£0.96 for milk (3 pints Tesco semi-skimmed)
£0.38 for a loaf of bread. About 5 slices are left but it’s on its last legs.
£0.64 for on cucumber for sandwiches.
£1.50 on tuna for sandwiches
£0.74 on an enormous jar of Tesco low-cal mayonnaise. Suprisingly it’s nearly all gone!
£0.84 on eggs. A couple are left.
£1.65 for the smoked haddock dinner
£1.45 for spaghetti and meatballs
£1.63 for duck wih honey and ginger
£1.08 for the liver and pasta dish
£1.75 for pork chops and apple sauce
£1.08 for devilled kidneys
£1.65 for chicken and mushroom crepes
£1.90 for soft drinks
£1.40 for random snacking
That is £19.72 in total! Hooray! I did it in just under £20.

You might remember that I said I’d add all unused perishable items to the bill. The only thing I haven’t used is the other half of the aubergine that I cooked with the meatballs. I haven’t used it because someone has stolen it! :x   I would feel cheated if I added it to the bill.  

You’ll notice that on several days I cooked for two and split the cost. This made things cheaper and also meant I could get more variety in what I was eating. If you can’t do this, it doesn’t matter. You can halve the quantities in the recipes to make enough for one. Most of these dishes can be chilled and reheated too (although I recommend an oven on its lowest setting for this, not microwaves, which seem to destroy things.) 

So it seems that you can eat quite well on £20 per week. The only thing I felt I compromised on was lunch.  You don’t have to live near a Lidl or Morrison’s either. I did nearly all my shopping at the 24 hour Tesco and Sainsburys on my way home. Incidentally, Sainsbury sometimes does better prices on vegetables.

Very soon I’ll write a page on all the things I learnt from this week’s eating and put it with the student recipes.

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