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July 12, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 7:56 am

When I was little, my favourite school dinner was mushroom crepes, chips and peas followed by butterscotch tart. No wonder I was a rather rotund 10 year old. My parents must have hopeful that I’d be following in their vegetarian footsteps, but that didn’t last long after i discovered lasagne.

Last night, I realised I had just about come to the end of the experiment and had three eggs and a fair bit of milk to get through. Pancakes seemed like the natural thing to make. I wanted mushroom crepes but, with all the walking I do each day, I wanted to add some protein. Chicken seemed like a natural choice and chicken legs at £2 per kilo were perfect for the experiment.

The crepes were more difficult to make than usual. I blame this entirely on my hall’s electric hobs. I’m glad I didn’t learn to cook on one of these. They are horendous! It would have put me off for life. It is impossible to control the temperature on them. I managed to burn a couple of crepes. :(  

The filling was made from the chicken legs, onion, mushroom, chicken stock, garlic and leftover cream. I’d found some reduced stringless beans to serve with the crepes and also added a couple of new potatoes.


Although there are only 2 crepes in the picture, there was another which i had later so it was a very big meal. It came to £1.65 excluding the eggs and milk. These added about 20p but made about 6 crepes, whereas 2 or 3 are enough for one serving.

1 1/2 chicken legs 0.80
Half pack reduced stringless beans 0.20
3 new potatoes 0.09
80g mushrooms 0.18
half onion 0.06
chicken stock 0.07
garlic, oil 0.05
cream 0.10
flour and margarine 0.10
Total 1.65

That is the most expensive dinner so far at about £1.85 but it was a good way of getting rid of some leftovers. Also if you cooked for 2, the extra crepes mean the price would work out to be  £1.75 per meal.  Here is the recipe.

Technically, with breakfast and lunch tomorrow, that should be the end of all this silliness. However there is one more thing I want to try, so one more student meal is on its way. The food shopping bill still needs to be checked (and there are a couple of things there that need clarification) but i’m reasonably sure it will be just short of £20.

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