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June 25, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 8:07 am

It looks like the full student experiment will have to go on hold for a week or so. This is because I’m moving on Saturday and I still have a freezer full of food to get through. Besides, my new surroundings in student halls will make the experiment feel all the more appropriate.

In the mean time I thought I’d try out one of my ideas to give you  taste of what is to come. I bring you my “students’ turkey and leek pie”.


turkey and leek pie


I was a bit too stingy with the pastry so it leaked at the sides little. Apart from that, it worked and was really very nice.

The important question, of course, is “how much did it cost?” The breakdown goes like this (sorry about the bad formatting - I’ll sort it out later).

  • 570g Tesco diced turkey thigh 1.69
  • 2 leeks (loose from Tesco) 0.58
  • 150g Tesco closed cup mushrooms 0.35
  • 300ml Tesco semi skimmed milk 0.13
  • salt and pepper (maximum price) 0.05
  • approx 170g Saxby’s puff pastry 0.26
  • 1 cube oxo chicken stock 0.08
  • flour and oil (maximum price) 0.05
  • Total  £2.99  (approx £1.50 per massive portion)

That makes enough to serve two very hungry people or possibly three normal people. Almost 600g of meat went into that along with two leeks. The pie would make a balanced meal in itself, but I served it with a side of sweetcorn. I estimate that this added about 5p per portion.

Student turkey and leek pie

Admittedly it isn’t much to look at but it was genuinely very nice and disturbingly healthy. So much for pasta with tomato sauce!

Here is the student turkey and leek pie recipe.


  1. i love leeks and that sounds really nice, one thing i allways made when i was poor and living away from home, was homemade tomato sauce.i would make tons of it and then freeze it. it had tons of garlic and onions and vitamin c in it. fab if your coming down with a cold.and would be a great base for soups,stews ,sauces etc and very cheap to make.

    Comment by kirsten — June 26, 2006 @ 1:57 pm

  2. Hi Kirsten,

    Did you use fresh tomatoes to make the sauce? If so, how long does it take? I’ve always used chopped tinned tomatoes but I guess it must be cheaper starting from scratch. One of the next ideas I’m going to try is meatballs in a sauce lke the one you mentioned with some other things thrown in.

    Comment by ros — June 27, 2006 @ 10:25 am

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