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June 24, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized, Central/Eastern European — ros @ 12:49 pm

Look! I made a bad, almost topical pun! I bet James is proud of me now.

Last night, whilst browsing in Sainsbury’s, I found and bought a veal escalope for my dinner. When I got home Tanya, who is my housemate’s girlfriend and a very keen cook, enquired what I was making that evening. When I gave my answer she raised her eyebrows slightly. Like a lot of people she has been brought up to believe that veal is an unethical meat.

I’m not going to go into what I think about veal production. However I’m really bothered by the lack of decent unbiased information about this. I searched for an hour or so on the internet and I couldn’t find a single article that wasn’t a propaganda-laden emotive load of rubbish.

How are we supposed to know what is really going on when most of the articles are calling for a worldwide ban on meat and the others  are claiming that the animals are gleefully running into the slaughterhouses of their own free will? It is very frustrating.

Anyhow, I made a veal escalope with a parmesan and sage crust. It was very tasty. Tanya thought so too. She even helped me flatten the escalope. It is nice to have someone around who is at least open minded about trying new things. Shame the pictures didn’t come out this time.


  1. ha ha deal or no no deal is a sore subject in our house now
    fab website


    Comment by kirsten — June 25, 2006 @ 9:15 am

  2. Hooray, I got my first comment! I was beginning to feel like I was talking to myself. Thanks, Kirsten!

    Comment by ros — June 26, 2006 @ 8:46 am

  3. I really like veal but the way that the calfes are kept is cruel and digusting.
    It sould stop
    I am doing a school project to emphisise the fact

    Comment by Jamie Sutherland — February 1, 2007 @ 11:32 am

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